What is It? pgAdmin is the most popular and feature rich Open Source administration and development platform for PostgreSQL, the most advanced Open Source database in the world. The source is ava ilab le for dow nload here . How to Install Silently? To Install: Step 1: Download the source from web and get the installer "pgadmin4-2.0-x86.exe" Step 2: Run following command: pgadmin4-2.0-x86.exe /VERYSILENT /LOG /NORESTART /VERYSILENT: for fully silent installation. /SILENT or /SP or /SUPRESSMSGBOXES are other varieties for different level of user interface /NORESTART: to suppress any restart prompt /LOG="path of log file" To Uninstall: Run following command: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\pgAdmin 4\v2\unins000.exe" /VERYSILE...
This blog describes some of the packaging standards. Also contains methods to silently install different applications or handling their configuration for mass deployements.