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Silent Installation of Notepad++

What is It?
Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. It ensures a higher execution speed and smaller program size.

The source is available for download here.

How to Install Silently?

To Install:

Step 1: Download the source from web and get the installer npp.7.5.2.Installer.x64.exe.

Step 2: Run following command: npp.7.5.2.Installer.x64.exe /S /noUpdater
           /noUpdater switch is introduced from v7.5 onwards.

Step 3: (only if below v7.5 is being used) Delete "updater" folder located in: "%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\updater"

To Uninstall:

Run following two commands:
"%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\uninstall.exe /S"

Additional Notes:

  • Following install/uninstall instructions are created based on version 7.5.2 of Notepad++ in 64-bit machine.
  • Ensure that Notepad++ (notepad++.exe) isn't running when installing or uninstalling application, to make sure no user data is lost (though Notepad++ restores any unsaved data, even if it's force-closed).
Note: This can be taken care by a new feature introduced from SCCM 1702 onwards. "Install Behavior" option under "Deployment Method" enables process kill before install process executes. So, people using SCCM latest version, can use this feature rather than Taskkill in Windows.
  • Command executions are based on SCCM platform or used with tools like PsExec, to make them run in System Context only.
  • Suggested detection Method in SCCM:
Value: Display Version
Data Type: String
Operator: Equals
Value: 7.5.2
  • "/noUpdater" argument has been introduced from v7.5, allowing application to stop looking for auto-updates. People using older version than v7.5 can delete the folder as mentioned in Step 3 and can skip the "/noUpdater" switch.
  • If update feature is not suppressed, users will get a pop-up as shown below:
